News update

 Velocity Challenge prize for our business proposal H2OQUAL in the UN Sustainable Development catergory.


Plants 2021 Best Paper Award for our publication Plant Disease Detection and Classification by Deep Learning.


Fifth National Conference on Manufacturing, Design and Entrepreneurship in NZ will be held on 25-26 Jan 2022.



Dr. Khalid Arif

Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, SF&AT,
Massey University
229 Dairy Flat Highway
Albany 0632
Phone: 09 414 0800

Dr. Khalid Arif











2007-2011   Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN, USA)
2002-2004   M.Eng. Engineering Synthesis, The University of Tokoy (Tokoyo, Japan)
1995-2000   B.S. Mechanical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology (Lahore, Pakistan)

Positions and Appointments

2024-            Associate Professor in Mechatronics and Robotics, Massey University
2017-2023   Senior Lecturer in Mechatronics and Robotics, Massey University
2017-2022   Postgraduate Lead/Director, School of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Massey University
2012-2016   Lecturer in Mechatronics and Robotics, Massey University
2011-2012   Assistant Professor of Mechatronics and Control, University of Engineering and Technoogy Lahore
2004-2007   Assistant Professor of Mechatronics and Control, University of Engineering and Technoogy Lahore
2000-2002   Lecturer/Lab Engineer, Mechanical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technoogy Lahore

Awards and Honors

2013             Finalist for Edmund Optics Asia Region Grant Competition
2007-2011   Fulbright Scholarship, USA
2002-2004   Monbukagakusho (MEXT) Scholarship, Japan